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From 2018-2022, a total of 385 pedestrian fatalities and 380 fatal pedestrian crashes occurred on Nevada roadways.

The Nevada Crash Data Dashboard provides information on who is involved in pedestrian-related driving fatalities and fatal crashes, where and when these crashes occurred, and why they happened. Nevada’s strategies to reduce pedestrian-related driving fatalities and serious injuries are listed below.

Zero Fatalities
Task Force Leaders

Vice Chair: Erin Breen, UNLV Vulnerable Road Users Project

Facilitator: Lindsay Saner, Kimley-Horn

  1. Screen the roadway network for high-risk signalized intersections and apply effective and/or innovative countermeasures for pedestrians.
  2. Screen the roadway network for high-risk segments and apply effective and/or innovative countermeasures for pedestrians.
  3. Conduct outreach and education initiatives for target audiences that focus on eliminating high-risk pedestrian behaviors.
School Zone Speed Study ReportPDF2024
NDOT Pedestrian Signal ReportPDF09/2024
ITE Crosswalk Policy GuidePDF2022
Vision Zero Truckee Meadows Draft Action PlanPDF2022
City of Las Vegas Vision Zero Action PlanPDF
Pedestrian Fatalities by State – 2020 Preliminary DataPDF03/2021
USDOT Pedestrian Safety Action PlanPDF2020
The Basics of Micromobility and Related Motorized Devices for Personal TransportWebsite2019
E-Scooter Management in Midsized Cities in the United StatesWebsite2019
Pedestrian SafetyPDF2019
Bicycle SafetyPDF2019
Traffic Law 101PDF2019
Traffic Law 102PDF2019
Early Estimate of Motor Vehicle Traffic Fatalities in 2018PDF2019
Traffic Safety Facts – Bicyclists and other CyclistsPDF2019
DWI History of Fatally Injured PedestriansPDF2019
Pedestrian Traffic Fatalities by State – 2019 Preliminary DataPDF2019
NDOT Potential Pedestrian Safety Improvement GuidelinesPDF2016