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Check Your Speed

Speed is a major contributing factor to driver, pedestrian and bicyclist fatalities, accounting for nearly 1/3 of all traffic deaths in Nevada.

Source: Nevada Traffic Safety Crash Facts

Zero Fatalities

Know The Facts

Know the Law


Nevada’s law prohibits driving at a speed that is greater than “reasonable or proper, having due regard for the traffic, surface and width of the highway, the weather and other highway conditions.”


Absolute speed limits are those that are posted alongside roadways. If the absolute speed limit is 50 miles per hour and you drive faster than that, you’ve violated the law.


Speeding is a misdemeanor in Nevada. A violation carries up to six months in jail and/or a maximum $1,000 in fines.

Help Save a Life


Slow down. Drive the speed limit.


If you are in the left lane and someone wants to pass, move over and let them by.


Give speeding drivers plenty of space. Speeding drivers may lose control of their vehicle more easily.


Adjust your driving accordingly. Speeding is tied to aggressive driving. If a speeding driver is tailgating you or trying to engage you in risky driving, use judgment to safely steer your vehicle out of the way.


Call the police if you believe a driver is following you or harassing you.

Share the Message

Worst Year Ever: Web Banners, SpeedZIP
Worst Year Ever: Billboard, SpeedJPG
Worst Year Ever: Videos, SpeedMP4
Don't Kill a Dream: BillboardPDF
Don't Kill a Dream: Sidewalk ClingPDF
Don't Kill a Dream: Poster - Mother's DayPDF
Don't Kill a Dream: Poster - Father's DayJPG
Don't Kill a Dream PSA Video - Brendan GaughanMP4
Don't Kill a Dream PSA Video - Carrot TopMP4
Don't Kill a Dream PSA Video - Tyrell CrosbyMP4