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Sidewalk Decals Installed to Deter Jaywalking

sidewalk Decals installed to Deter JaywalkingThe City of Las Vegas and the Nevada Department of Transportation are adding a new element to the Zero Fatalities traffic safety campaign to help save lives: sidewalk decals to deter jaywalking. Nevada is experiencing a deadly epidemic – pedestrians are dying from vehicular crashes while crossing the street. With 46 pedestrian fatalities already on record in our state in 2016, the City is hoping the decals will remind pedestrians to use designated crosswalks rather than crossing illegally. Eastern Avenue is a prime example of an area heavily used by both pedestrians and transit passengers who often choose to jaywalk. Eastern Avenue, between Sahara and Owens, has seen four pedestrian fatalities in the past two years and 10 auto-pedestrian crashes since 2015. Twenty decals will be installed along Eastern Avenue.
Help us eradicate the pedestrian death epidemic in Nevada. Pledge to cross safely and make Zero Fatalities your goal. Then share the message with others to help save lives.
