Calendar of Events
Update to the Strategic Highway Safety Plan
Statewide safety partners have developed a draft document for the 2016-2020 Update to the Strategic Highway Safety Plan. Every five years, SHSP partners from across the state work together to refocus efforts and develop new strategies to reduce fatalities and serious injuries over the next five years, working toward Nevada’s goal of Zero Fatalities.
Led by the Critical Emphasis Area (CEA) Chairs and Vice-chairs, with input and support from the Technical Working Group (TWG) and the Nevada Executive Committee on Traffic Safety (NECTS), the draft update outlines the strategies for each Critical Emphasis Area for the next five years. A supplemental document outlines the action steps and output measures for each strategy, which are intended to be reviewed and updated on an annual basis.
The 2016-2020 Update to the Strategic Highway Safety Plan is currently in the process of being approved by the NDOT Director and the Federal Highway Administration, FHWA, and the Nevada Transportation Board in December/January, with final adoption of the Plan anticipated in early 2016.