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What’s Trending: NDOT’s Pedestrian Safety Program

NDOT is dedicated to traffic safety, and many NDOT road projects add important safety enhancements to keep us safe on Nevada roads. As part of that, NDOT is building approximately $10 Million in pedestrian safety improvements primarily in Clark and Washoe counties in 2015 and 2016. The funding will be used to construct pedestrian safety improvements, including enhanced crosswalks, pedestrian-activated crossing signals and other safety enhancements in Nevada’s urban areas. The engineering improvements in addition to integrated enforcement, public education, engineering and emergency response programs to save lives on Nevada roads.

For more information on these projects as well as future projects, please visit

Lake Mead Boulevard (SR 147) from Civic Center Drive to Pecos Road


  • Narrowing roadway width to widen sidewalks and provide bike lanes.
  • Creating American’s with Disabilities Act (ADA) handicap complaint driveways and crossway ramps.
  • Replacing two-way left turn lane with a raised median to eliminate pedestrian and vehicle conflicts.
  • Constructing two new pedestrian crossings with refuge islands and beacon warnings.


Charleston Boulevard (SR 159) from Hillside Place to Burnham Avenue, and between Arden Street and Nellis Boulevard


  • Adding pedestrian bulb outs and rectangular rapid flashing beacons at the intersections of Hillside Place, 17th Street and Burnham Avenue.
  • Widening the median and restriping the travel lane from Arden Street to Nellis Boulevard.
  • Constructing ADA sidewalk ramps and raised median islands.


Boulder Highway (SR 582) at Sun Valley Drive near the Eastside Cannery


  • Installing overhead rectangular rapid flashing beacons and median island.
  • Modifying the left turn vehicle access to eliminate pedestrian conflicts.


Blue Diamond Road (SR 160) at El Capitan Way and Fort Apache Road


  • Installing traffic and pedestrian crossing signals.
  • Making sidewalk improvements.


North Virginia Street, Kietzke Lane and Sun Valley Boulevard will receive pedestrian safety enhancements, including:


  • Pedestrian activated rectangular rapid flashing beacons.
  • Pedestrian islands will be constructed in the median of some crosswalks to serve as an additional safety refuge.
  • Sidewalks will be improved for safer and easier pedestrian travel.
  • Enhanced light-emitting diode (LED) overhead lighting will be installed for increased visibility in pedestrian crossing areas.


SR 28 pedestrian safety improvements in Incline Village, including:


  • Relocation of crosswalk on SR 28 west of Village Boulevard closer to existing bus stop.
  • Pedestrian crossing warning signs equipped with rectangular rapid flashing beacons on either side of Village Boulevard.
  • Additional street lighting and ADA sidewalk ramps, along with pedestrian crossing signs in the crosswalks.
  • New left turn lanes from Country Club Drive to SR 28 were also installed with new traffic detection systems to help drivers most efficiently and safely get through the intersection.