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Teen Driver Safety – New Young Drivers Critical Emphasis Area

Young Drivers LogoTeens contribute to and are injured or killed from vehicle crashes in the U.S. at an alarming rate. In fact, motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for youth ages 15-20. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) (Young Drivers: 2015 Data – Traffic Safety Facts, 2017): in 2015, 1,886 15- to 20-year old drivers were killed and an additional 195,000 were injured in motor vehicle crashes. Drivers ages 15-20 account for 5.4% of all licensed drivers in the U.S. but are involved in 9% of all fatal crashes.

Teen drivers lack what other drivers have learned over the years—driving experience—and thus are often at fault due to driver error, driving distracted, being under the influence, or from a lack of safety precautions such as not using seat belts, driving at an excessive speed, or participating in reckless driving in general.Teen Driving Safety Resource Cover

In response to the alarming number of fatalities involving teen drivers, the Children’s Safety Network has published the The Teen Driving Safety: 2017 Resource Guide, a resource that provides links to organizations, programs, publications, and resources for teen driving safety. It is divided into several sections for ease of use including (1) organizations; (2) campaigns, programs, and toolkits; (3) data; (4) general publications; (5) Graduated Driver Licensing (GDL); (6) driver education and training; (7) parent supervision; (8) distracted driving; (9) passenger distraction; (10) technology distraction; (11) impaired driving; (12) drowsy driving; (13) drunk driving; and (14) drugged driving.

Recognizing the need for focused strategies to reduce fatalities involving teen drivers here in Nevada, the Nevada Executive Committee on Traffic Safety (NECTS) has approved the addition of the Strategic Highway Safety Plan’s (SHSP) newest Critical Emphasis Area (CEA) – Young Drivers. The Young Driver CEA Team had their kick-off meeting at the 2017 Nevada Traffic Safety Summit in May, and will hold regularly-scheduled quarterly meetings starting this fall. For more information, or if you are interested in joining the Young Drivers CEA Team, please contact zerofatalitiesnv@kimley-horn.com. We encourage you to share this resource guide available here with your fellow coworkers, friends, and family to help spread the word about teen driver safety in Nevada.
“Children’s Safety Network.” Teen Driving Safety: 2017 Resource Guide | Children’s Safety Network. Accessed 6 Sept. 2017.