2024 Sessions
The 2024 Nevada Traffic Safety Summit is hosting the following workshops and special sessions. Spots in certain sessions are limited and advance registration is required.
We are now accepting advance registration for Safety Summit Sessions. Complete registration via this link.
Tuesday | November 12, 2024
Crash and Citation Data Workshop
Facilitators: Kevin Tice, Office of Traffic Safety (OTS); Shara Thiesen, Nevada Department of Transportation (NDOT); Jon Boether, NDOT; Lt. Nivarel, Nevada Highway Patrol (NHP); Ken Baldwin, Tyler Technologies; Karl Nieberlein, Tyler Technologies; Adam Anderson, OTS; Dr. Bertille Mavegam, UNLV; Dr. Deborah Kuhls, UNLV; William Porter, UNLV; Lacey Tisler, NDOT; Mike Colety, Kimley-Horn
View materials: STOP Nevada Data Collection Project, Nevada Road User Database Project
How Speed Effects Crash Outcomes, Especially for Vulnerable Road Users (Part 1)
Facilitators: Erin Breen, University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV) Road Equity Alliance Project; Kelly Norman, Carson Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO); Mathew Morris, NDOT; Rachel Shaw, Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (TRPA)
This interactive session will begin with an overview of data for vulnerable road users: pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorcyclists. Then we’ll add speed data to the equation. We will explore how speed affects crash outcomes, what role the built environment plays, and whether lower-income neighborhoods are more at risk.
Next, we’ll have a panel of experts from Carson City, Reno, and Tahoe who will discuss their communities. After a break, attendees will be asked to answer various questions to help form ideas for addressing speed in their communities. They will then break into groups, develop strategies, and present their group’s plan for addressing the most pressing issues they identified.
Reducing Motorcycle Fatalities through the Safe System Approach
Moderator: Justin McDonald, Office of Traffic Safety – Nevada Rider Motorcycle Safety
Presenter: Eric Teoh, Insurance Institute of Highway Safety (IIHS)
Commercial Vehicle Crash Rollover onto a Police Vehicle
Facilitators: Pat Gallagher, David Strawn, Parsons
A commercial vehicle traveling west on I-80 approaching a police vehicle on the right shoulder conducting a traffic stop. The driver of the commercial vehicle is suspected of being impaired and loses control of the commercial vehicle as it approaches the police vehicle. The commercial vehicle then rolls over onto the police vehicle, trapping the occupants of the vehicle.
The incident will involve field sobriety tests conducted on the driver of the commercial vehicle, a post-crash inspection of the commercial vehicle, occupant extrication, and a complete crash investigation highlighting Traffic Incident Management principles emphasizing Unified Command.
Wednesday | November 13, 2024
Child Passenger Safety (CPS) Technician Skills Workshop
Continuing Education Units (CEUs) provided.
Facilitators: Johnean Morrison, Judith Mata, OTS
The Occupant Protection Program of the Nevada Office of Traffic Safety is excited to present the opportunity to earn CEUs with Nevada CPS Technician Instructors from around the state. Join us for a day of learning and networking.
Alternative Sentencing 24/7
Moderators: Meg Matta, OTS; Judge Scott Pearson, Region 8 Judicial Outreach Liaison
Presenters: Scott Swain, OTS; Chief Justin Roper, Washoe County Alternative Sentencing
View presentation and handouts: South Dakota 24/7 Sobriety Program Evaluation Supplemental Findings Report and Benefits of Instituting a 24/7 Sobriety Program
Using Data to Understand Vulnerable Road User Safety Interventions
Moderator: Pete Marshall, Nevada Department of Transportation
Using Big Data to Explore Active Transportation Trends in Your Region
Agencies must make challenging decisions with the limited staff, funding, and metrics they have available. How can agencies make better decisions to improve transportation in their community? By leveraging big data and analytics in their work, they can reduce staff time in data collection, prevent putting their staff’s safety at risk on the road, improve justification for funding, and measure performance to ensure that the work they are doing is resulting in the intended improvements.
By utilizing metrics from big data, agencies can fully understand the impacts of their decisions. Erin will share how StreetLight customers have used big data and analytics to make real, operational improvements to their transportation services, networks, and communities. The presentation will look at how agencies can use big data to identify and monitor trends in active transportation patterns in their region. At the end of the presentation, attendees will understand how they can get a holistic view of active transportation and how to monitor and address the safety risks faced by vulnerable road users
Presenter: Erin O’Higgins, StreetLight Data
Assessing Near-Misses to Enhance Safety Interventions for Vulnerable Road Users
This session highlights the results of a year-long pilot study focused on the detection and mapping of near-miss events between vehicles and VRUs in Reno and Sparks. The project team distributed an online survey to residents who bike or walk, which helped identify areas that VRUs feel are unsafe. UNR researchers collected near-miss event data using LiDAR sensors at ten of the most frequently identified locations in the survey, recording a significant number of events. This presentation will summarize events recorded across all locations. Additionally, we will highlight results of a focus group that reviewed animations of near-miss events collected from LiDAR sensors and a participatory mapping workshop that identified future locations to prioritize for improving VRU safety and initial ideas for countermeasure planning. We will also highlight potential implications of this research to augment Crash Modification Factors and better inform proactive safety interventions.
Presenters: Scott Kelley, UNR; Cole Peiffer, Alta Planning + Design
Can AI Provide Reliable Data for Intersection Safety?
RTC FAST conducted a six-month pilot project titled Advanced Intersection Analytics. This project utilized existing video detection feeds and vendor-supplied equipment at signalized intersections to determine if AI technology can be a viable option to collect vehicle and multimodal traffic data and gain insights into intersection safety.
The eight pilot intersections were identified by RTCSNV partnering agencies in the City of Las Vegas, unincorporated Clark County, and the City of Henderson. Local stakeholders participated in monthly meetings and were provided access to vendor dashboards. These dashboards offered real-time data on:
- Vehicle, pedestrian, and bicycle counts
- Vehicle classification
- Safety insights such as: Speeding, near-miss incidents, red light running, pedestrian crossing violations
The goals of this pilot project were to determine if AI could be a reliable source of readily available data, aid in implementing short-term countermeasures, and identify long-term safety improvements.
Presenter: Christina Karanikolas, RTCSNV
NDOT Road Safety Audit (RSA) Guidelines Update Workshop and Field Visit
Facilitators: Scott Rickert, Jorden Kaczmarek, Atkins Realis
NDOT is currently updating its RSA Guidelines. This workshop will include an explanation of the current RSA process in Nevada, the steps NDOT is taking to improve RSAs statewide, and breakout sessions to get participants’ thoughts on how they would improve RSAs in Nevada.
The field visit/mini-RSA will include analyzing a selected intersection for potential safety improvements for all road users. The time allotted includes initial meetup and roundtrip walking time from and back to the hotel.
Testing for Intoxication
Moderator: Shannon Bryant, Nevada Traffic Safety Research Prosecutor
Evolution of SFST and Other Field Screening Tools for Challenging Times
Presenter: Rob Duckworth, Intoximeters
Law Enforcement Phlebotomy
Presenter: Beth Barnes, Arizona Traffic Safety Research Prosecutor; Dallas Cotts, State Phlebotomy Coordinator
Safety Action Plans Panel Discussion
Moderator: Lacey Tisler, Nevada Department of Transportation
Panelists: Kelly Norman, Carson Area Metropolitan Planning Organization; Dennis Price, Elko County; Sean Robinson, City of Las Vegas; Rachael Shaw, Tahoe Regional Planning Agency; Daniel Fazekas, Regional Transportation Commission of Southern Nevada
Safe Systems
Moderator: Maurilio Olivares, NDOT
Reducing Speed Limits: Case Studies and Implementation Along South Virginia Street
Reducing the posted speed limit is a proven traffic safety measure to slow vehicular traffic and reduce the frequency of fatal and serious injury crashes, particularly those involving vulnerable road users. This presentation will provide the results of various case studies showing the efficacy of reducing speed limits and discuss the various approaches used to implement speed limit reductions at the roadway network and regional scale. It will also discuss how NDOT’s statewide Speed Management Action Plan is being used to bring these benefits to Nevada, using the South Virginia Street Safety Management Plan as a local case study for reducing speed limits.
Presenter: Devin Louie, AtkinsRéalis
Safe System Approach Hierarchy and Framework
To help advance implementation of the Safe System Approach, FHWA developed three resources for measuring SSA alignment: the Safe System Roadway Design Hierarchy, the Safe System Project-Based Alignment Framework, and the Safe System Policy-Based Alignment Framework. The presentation will introduce and describe these new SSA resources that were developed with the needs of practitioners in mind.
Presenter: Jeffrey Shaw, FHWA
Connecting TSMO and Safety
The safe and efficient movement of people and goods is one of the most basic missions of any transportation agency. Transportation agencies are increasingly realizing the importance of TSMO in helping them achieve their safety-focused mission.
Presenters: Juan Hernandez, Jordan James, Sonia Jacinto-Acosta, Tim Mueller, NDOT
A Primer to Appearing in Administrative Court
Moderator: Shannon Bryant, Nevada Traffic Safety Research Prosecutor
Officers and other law enforcement personnel are far more likely to testify in an administrative hearing than in a criminal DUI trial, and yet few of them are aware of ground rules and the possible hurdles they face during an administrative hearing. This session will help these non-party, unrepresented witnesses: (1) understand the differences between the administrative and criminal processes, (2) clarify the role of such witnesses in an administrative hearing, and (3) identify the benefits and disadvantages of the administrative process.
Presenter: Hon. Jonathan Lord, Chief Administrative Law Judge, Nevada DMV
Pedestrian Safety Zones Walking Tour (Outdoors)
Facilitator: Adam Blount, Reno Police Department
Public Health and Equity in Traffic Safety
Moderator: Mike Colety, Kimley-Horn
Trauma Registry and EMS Data and Processes
The trauma registry portion of this presentation will be an introduction to the registry, an overview of what it is, and how it came to be. Information is included on who provides data, what data points are collected, how the information is utilized, and how an organization can gain access to the registry. EMS Data and processes portion of the presentation will be an introduction to National Emergency Medical Services Information System (NEMSIS) and overview of data collection from EMS and fire agencies permitted in the state. Information is included on what data points are collected, how the information is utilized, and how an organization can request data from the EMS program.
Presenters: Vanessa Mason and Bobbie Sullivan, Nevada Division of Public and Behavioral Health
Unified Traffic Citation Systems
A discussion on how a unified traffic citation system could increase safety on Nevada roadways. While the traffic decriminalization legislation passed during the 81st legislative session resulted in the creation of such a system, very few courts have chosen to utilize the system. The lack of buy-in to the system has made it difficult to track unsafe drivers who receive tickets in multiple jurisdictions. The lack of uniformity has resulted in a system that allows dangerous drivers with financial means to maintain their drivers licenses while low income drivers are at a high risk of receiving a suspended license for failure to pay a single ticket for the lowest level traffic offense. This session will discuss the need for a statewide uniform traffic citation system and how such a system could increase accountability for dangerous drivers and drive equity in the state.
Presenters: Nick Shepack, Fines and Fees Justice Center
Identifying Disparities with Traffic Safety Trends and Outcomes
This presentation will provide an introduction to health equity and explore it’s intersectionality with traffic safety. Attendees will learn of strategies and examples for applying an equity lens to traffic safety data collection, trend review, and program implementation.
Presenters: Alexandra Neal, Nevada DHHS
Thursday | November 14, 2024
How Do We Talk About Traffic Fatalities? Panel Discussion
Moderator: Kim Yoko Smith, Department of Public Safety
Panelists: Meg Ragonese, Nevada Department of Transportation; Andrew Bennett, Clark County; Sgt. Loy Hixson, Nevada Highway Patrol; Dr. Deborah Kuhls, UNLV; Anita Pepper, Office of Traffic Safety
Classrooms & Courtrooms: Education and Justice for Young Drivers
Moderator: Nick Nordyke, Office of Traffic Safety
MADD’s Power of Parents
Presenters: Madison Maddox and Nancy Falcon-Ruiz, Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) Nevada
The Power of Parents is one of three programs in MADD’s initiative to prevent underage drinking, alongside Power of You(th) and Power of Me. These programs aim to mobilize communities to stop and reduce underage drinking.
According to a GfK Roper Youth Report, 74 percent of children (aged 8-17) said that their parents are the most influential factor in their decisions about drinking. Parental influence is crucial in keeping teenagers safe. That’s why MADD launched the underage drinking prevention initiative, starting with the community-based parent program Power of Parents, developed and sponsored by Nationwide Insurance.
MADD has collaborated with Dr. Robert Turrisi from Pennsylvania State University and adapted his handbook model to reach parents and caregivers of high school and middle school-aged students. The parent handbooks, available in English and Spanish, are the foundation of this community-based program and can be accessed for free on MADD’s website. Additionally, MADD offers 15 and 30-minute parent workshops facilitated by trained MADD staff and volunteers for the general community. MADD’s Underage Program Specialists will present this workshop, which will last for 60-75 minutes.
The Role of Washoe County’s Juvenile Court
Presenters: Jason Westphal, Washoe County Juvenile Justice Center
Beyond City Limits: Tackling Rural Road Challenges
Moderator: Kim Goodwin, NDOT
Analysis of Rural Roadway Traffic Fatalities
Presenters: Arafin Islam, Professor Shashi Nambisan, UNLV
Roadway/Rail Project Best Practices
Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR) is the largest railroad in Nevada with nearly 1,200 miles of tracks throughout the state. This presentation provides an overview of best practices for state, city, and county partners to collaborate with UPRR on engineering and construction projects.
Presenters: Ken Tom, UPRR; Rooke Jackson, Benesch
Tunnel Lighting Controls
Presenters: Eric MacGill, Nevada Department of Transportation
Step by Step: Strategies to Protect Our Pedestrians
Moderator: McKenna Bacon, Nevada Department of Transportation
Telling the Story Behind Fatal VRU Crashes in Nevada
Presenters: Lacey Tisler, Shara Thiesen, Nevada Department of Transportation
Pedestrian Hybrid Beacons
Presenters: Sam Ahiamadi, Nevada Department of Transportation
Traffic Safety Policy Panel Discussion
Moderator: Shannon Bryant, Nevada Traffic Safety Research Prosecutor
Presenters: Sean Sever, Nevada Department of Motor Vehicles, Amy Davey, Office of Traffic Safety, Julia Peek, Nevada Department of Health and Human Services, Sondra Rosenberg, Nevada Department of Transportation