With funding from NDOT, the Zero Teen Fatalities program acquired two “dangerous driving” simulators. These simulators are located in the Office of Traffic Safety’s Carson City and Las Vegas offices.
The portable simulators are convincing training tools that simulate the dangers of texting while driving, as well as driving under the influence of alcohol. Each system incorporates actual smart phones – one for the instructor and one for the driver – in order to realistically replicate the distraction caused by attempting to read and send text messages while driving, particularly when holding a device in the driver’s hand. This will give Office of Traffic Safety staff the opportunity to engage in conversation and educate teens why vehicle crashes are the number one reason teens are dying in America.
Please contact us if you would like a Zero Teen Fatalities presentation or the simulators at your events.
Website: ZeroTeenFatalities.com Email: Info@ZeroTeenFatalities.com